

All of the information provided here is for reference in commissioning a piece of artwork.
And is subject to change based on the the agreement between the artist and client.
Please email Jesse to begin the process of a commissioned painting.

All paintings use artist quality acrylics and are painted on one and half inch deep canvas.
Various sizes are easy to do upon request.

Examples of Approximate Sizes and Pricing 

18″ x 24″ $575-650

24” x 30” $750-925

24″ x 36″ $900-1050

30″ x 40″ $1700-$2000

24″ x 48″ $1700-1900+

36″ x 36″ $1900-2500

30″ x 48″ $2000-2700

36” x 48” $2500-3000+

36″ x 60″ $3500-4500+

(More sizes upon request)

(Prices do not include taxes or shipping)

You can make a secure payment using your credit/debit card

by clicking on the “Pay Now” button below.